Carpet Angel, 1992
Carpet, plastic bags and mats, soda bottles and caps, screws, and ropes
140 x 155 x 104 inches (overall installed)
355.6 x 393.7 x 264.2 cm
Amazing Grace, 1993
Approximately 300 baby strollers and fires hoses, sound
Dimensions variable
Installation view: NYC 1993: Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star, Studio 231, New Museum
Private collection
Photo: Jesse Untracht-Oakner, Courtesy the artist; New Museum, New York
We the People, 2011
96 x 324 inches
243.8 x 823 cm
In collaboration with The Fabric Workshop and Museum, Philadelphia
Spellbound, 2015
Piano, used keys, spanish moss, light, audio and video elements
52.5 x 60 x 28 inches
133.4 x 152.4 x 71.1 cm
Duration: 9 minutes, 3 seconds
Commissioned by SCAD Museum of Art
Videographer: Steven Rose
Audio composer: Austin Nelson
Savior, 1996
Shopping cart, plastic garbage bags, cloth, bottles, metal fence, earth, wheel, mirror, chair, and clocks
128 x 36 x 23 inches
325.1 x 91.4 x 58.4 cm
Breathing Panel: Oriented Left, 2015
Oak wood, copper sheet, copper nails, and darkening patina
2 parts, each: 48 x 120 x 2.25 inches
121.9 x 304.8 x 5.7 cm
96 x 120 x 2.25 inches (overall)
243.8 x 304.8 x 5.7 cm
Glory, 2004
Oil barrel, fluorescent and ultraviolet tubes, computer parts, DVD, parrot audio, plexiglas, fan, camera casing elements, paint cans, cement, towels, and rubber roofing membrane