Fall Art Exhibitions 2013: 25 Shows That Will Rock The Art World
By Priscilla Frank
It's that time of year, art lovers. Winds are blowing, leaves are crunching and the streets are buzzing with talk of the newest art exhibitions. Autumn is officially upon us, and with the new season comes a barrage of stimulating art exhibitions that will make even the most serious summer devotees happy to watch the leaves turn.
After a summer of man-centric blockbuster shows from James Turrell, Paul McCarthy and Jeff Koons, fall yields a wonderfully diverse offering of artists, eras and media. Expect an archive of 20th century homoerotica, a survey of contemporary Arab and Iranian female photographers, and a sci-fi selection of Afrofuturist artworks, among others. To top it off, this season brings solo exhibitions from cult favorites Mike Kelley, David Lynch and Yoko Ono. What's not to love?
Enjoy the 25 exhibitions we can't wait to see this fall.
WHAT: Ashley Bickerton
WHERE: Lehmann Maupin, New York
WHEN: Now – October 26, 2013
WHY: The Bali based artist mixes painting, photography, and sculpture to create jam-packed female busts made of clay, cigarettes, coral and bottle caps, among other things. The unconventional depictions savor all things abstract and artificial, questioning the parameters of portraiture.
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