JUERGEN TELLER The Keys to the House No.18, Suffolk 2010, 2012 c-print 6 x 10 ft 182.9 x 304.8 cm Edition of 3 LM16744
JUERGEN TELLER Cerith, Suffolk 2011, 2012 c-print 6 x 10 ft 182.9 x 304.8 cm Edition of 3 LM16768
JUERGEN TELLER The Girl with the Broken Nose, Cuba 2010, 2012 c-print 6 x 10 ft 182.9 x 304.8 cm Edition of 3 LM16773
JUERGEN TELLER Louis XV No.9, Self Portrait with Charlotte Rampling, Paris 2004, 2012 c-print 6 x 10 ft 182.9 x 304.8 cm Edition of 3 LM16793